Samstag, September 15, 2007

Bring on the wonders

Ja, ich hab mal wieder ein neues Lieblingslied....
Ich hab gesuhct aber noch kein passendes Video gefunden....
aber der Text spricht zur Zeit sehr für sich...

"I can't see the stars anymore living here
Let's go to the hills where the outlines are clear

Bring on the wonder
Bring on the song
I pushed you down deep in my soul for too long

I fell through the cracks at the end of our street
Let's go to the beach, get the sand through our feet

Bring on the wonder
Bring on the song
I pushed you down deep in my soul for too long

Bring on the wonder
We got it all wrong
We pushed you down deep in our souls for too long

I don't have the time for a drink from the cup
Let's rest for a while 'til our souls catch us up

Bring on the wonder
Bring on the song
I pushed you down deep in my soul for too long

Bring on the wonder
We got it all wrong
We pushed you down deep in our souls, so hang on

Bring on the wonder
Bring on the song
I pushed you down deep in my soul for too long."

(Susan Enan)

Okay das Viedeo ist nicht ganz das, welches ich wollte....
Aber ich mag das Lied :-)
